Joey Bebar: Stone Mason
Crossing the World
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The Stone Prayer Cross


These timeless stone crosses are hand-crafted using the finest natural stone that our earth has to offer, from Carrara marble to granite sourced from Italy. Stone endures the test of time. It has existed since the very beginning, and shall always, just like God's love for us.

For nearly 30 years, our stone prayer crosses have changed the lives of thousands of people across the world. Whether used for prayer, or as a beautiful art piece on display in your home, these crosses will serve as a reminder of God's eternal love.


Original stone masonry art from a variety of naturally sourced materials.

My favorite part about being an artist is bringing Earthly Elements from the outdoors and transforming them into functional pieces of interior art that tell as story.

I enjoy exploring the desert and reclaiming pieces of wood, stone, metal, bark or tree root to tell a new tale through art.

I grew up in the Sierras where my father was a Tungsten and Gold miner. It is there where my dad nurtured my love of the outdoors. Our shared love of nature continues to inspire me daily and for that I am truly grateful.

Whether I create a rendition of the Old West or a tree house lamp, my pieces will be as unique as the stories they reveal.


Prayer Changes the World

The Power of the stone prayer cross

"I never can get over how a little hunk of stone can change the lives of so many people. We can talk about it, read about it, but to see it happen, and to see how it brightens the recipient's whole demeanor is just amazing. It brings hope and it is so easy to make this happen.

How many times have we been given terrible news about our own well-being and/or that of friends, and loved ones, that cripples us with worry? It is so easy to collapse and fall to pieces. These little pocket crosses provide us with something tangible to hang on to, especially at such panic-driven times."

-Angelo Paul Ramunni

The Stone Mason

"...This fellow was a stone mason for over forty years here in New England. I took out a stone pocket cross and handed it to him, suggesting that this might also be a nice way to remember his son Tom. I told him to keep it on his person and that way he might feel a closeness to Tom and God.

He looked at me with incredulous eyes and asked where I had gotten that cross. He had never seen anything so beautiful in all his life... For someone who works with stone all his life, I would expect that he could make something like a pocket cross. But it turns out that trying to cut these small stone crosses is not easy..."

Pocket Cross Miracles, page 31.

The Cross that Protects

"...she began to tell me about her son Jeff. He was recently called up for a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Being 18-years-old, and her only son, this just terrified her. I took the food and drink from her hands and gave her a stone pocket cross. I told her to give it to Jeff and that he should always keep it on his person. She was stunned and shocked. She told me that she had been looking for something to send to him to help protect him and now she found it. She had never seen anything like that cross and could not imagine where I got it from...

One year the day...

I was at the same party and at some point, I saw the main door open and in she comes. She sees me immediately and quickly comes over to me. With a huge beaming smile she says, "Guess what's happening tonight?" I was stumped and just smiled and said that I didn't know. She again became very emotional and said, 'Paul, he's coming home tonight. He is on a plane landing at LaGuardia airport late tonight and he's safe and sound and he has kept that cross on him ever since he got it!' She gave me a huge hug and off she went."

Pocket Cross Miracles, pages 43 and 44.

Read More Personal Experiences

Angelo Paul Ramunni's book "Pocket Cross Miracles" is available for purchase on Amazon and includes 70 of the most encouraging accounts of the power of the stone prayer cross.

Our History


Cross-ing the World was born in 1995 with the idea of sharing God’s love and providing peace for those in need. We began our journey at various pop-up shows, fairs, gift shops, and churches across Southern California. From there, our crosses headed to the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. and the Alamo in San Antonio, TX. We then saw our crosses heading across the world in care packages to Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Along our journey, one of our first missionary clients Angelo Paul Ramunni authored the book "Pocket Cross Miracles", containing encouraging stories and accounts of miracles from the people he provided our prayer crosses to over the years.

These stories are a testament to the power of the stone prayer cross.

About the Artist

Joey Bebar


A Master Artisan in creative stone cutting, utilizing “old school” methods and tools to make inventive and unique works of Art. Each piece is individually handcrafted, highlighting the beauty of the stone

Born in London, England and raised in Bishop, California, the now Joshua Tree based artist comes from a family of Engineers and Pilots.

As a boy, he followed his father on the highest ski slopes in Mammoth and fell in love with the mountains and the outdoors. His father was tragically killed in the Union Carbide Tungsten mines in 1973, which ultimately brought him and his family to the Coachella Valley.

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